I have no idea why people go to Okinawa World. An Okinawa themed park in Okinawa is ridiculous. My former classmate visited me late last year so I was tasked with finding some places to go that weren’t a total tourist trap. This can be hard to do without the right knowledge; Okinawa World, Pineapple Park, Murasaki Village and (I dare say it) the aquarium all score highly on Tripadvisor but offer very little insight into the history and culture of Okinawa. In other words, they’re really boring. So I took this challenge as an opportunity to finally visit Cape Kyan and the Gushikawa ruins. I figured that this would be a nice look into Okinawa’s past and that the bicycle ride down there would be fairly scenic. After some initial mumbling, I worked up the motivation to go out on a whole day of cycling around the south of Okinawa.
Stretches and stretches of tiny farms…
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